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Early Career Teacher

We’re pleased to announce that we deliver a bespoke induction programme for Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and is designed to develop their knowledge and skills.  It provides teachers with the essential specialist support they need to improve their practice and build confidence following their Initial Teacher Training. It will arm Early Career Teachers with skills they can use in the classroom straight away and offer the structured support needed to help them be the best teachers they can be.


This two-year blended programme consists of 15 Modules (8 Modules in Year 1 & 7 Modules in Year 2) and will entail a mixture of face-to-face sessions, self-study and coaching opportunities for all ECTs and mentors. The 15 Modules of learning take the ECTs on a journey from an early acquisition of skills to a more advanced level, which progressively builds in complexity as the Modules are covered. As the ECT grows in confidence, experience and understanding, the programme will offer more challenge and depth across the 2-year induction. 


Click HERE for further detail on the ECF Induction programme overview.

Content of the ECT Programme

Throughout the 15 Modules delivered, there are key recurring themes to ensure they are part of the ECTs everyday practice, which further develop into becoming ‘learning habits’. The theory behind this is to ensure the ECTs continually build upon their knowledge and skills in small amounts, as opposed to acquiring many skills all at once. Research states that the brain cannot easily process large amounts of knowledge all at once, and that it is more effective for individuals to learn and acquire greater amounts of skills over a longer period of time. Therefore, this programme allows for ‘little and often’, through the delivery and scheduled professional development opportunities it has planned over the 2-year induction. 

Each conference will act as the starting point for the Module being studied and all weekly meetings, coaching observations and CPD opportunities following this will be directly linked. This would allow the ECT to see the knowledge and strategies from the Module being applied into a variety of contexts, furthermore, ensuring teacher development.   Likewise, all Mentor coaching observations, lesson observations and weekly self-study tasks will also focus on key content from the Module being delivered. This enables the knowledge and understanding gained from the Module to be effectively applied into practice, then reviewed and further developed to enhance teaching practice. 

Each Module has been designed based on substantial research, evidence and best practice of effective professional development, and includes: 

  • Conferences – Launch of the Module delivered, where ECTs come together to and participate within group tasks, individual reflection materials and explore the Early Career Framework with their colleagues. These will be facilitated by highly skilled and experienced practitioners who will extend ECTs’ thinking and support their planning by sharing practical applications of the research in the classroom. 

  • Self-study materials - These explain the research behind the Early Career Framework and give exemplifications of what this looks like in the classroom, to ensure ECTs can secure their understanding quickly. These materials are designed to take into consideration ECTs’ busy professional and personal lives, and so can be accessed at any point during the week to support flexible learning and professional development. 

  • ECT-Mentor meetings – One-to-one sessions to provide support, review self-study/reading tasks and to conduct instructional coaching. 

  • Video clips - Sample of pre-recorded snapshots of good practice for ECT to gain ideas from experienced practitioners showing what key strategies look like in practice. 

  • Observation opportunities - Planned ‘live’ good practice lesson observations from schools across the Trust. Good practice observations will be narrated by experienced teachers/leaders who will be able to break the key techniques delivered down into clearer parts, so that ECTs can have a strong view of what ‘good’ looks like in practice. 

It is important for ECTs and Mentors to understand why certain techniques do or don’t work in the classroom and it is vital for them to understand what theory underpins that outcome. Therefore, it is critical that ECTs on the programme can see what effective teaching looks like in practice, so the programme uses a mixture of example videos and lesson observations from a variety of different contexts, to show how real teachers put these theories into practice. This enables the ECTs to see what the statements of the ECF look like in a real-life classroom. 

Benefits to your school include: 
  • Improved wellbeing and job satisfaction of ECT. 

  • Attract and retain staff. 

  • A two-year package of support. 



Sequencing of ECT Programme 

The Modules have been carefully constructed so that by the end of the 2-year induction period, ECTs will have covered all statements from within the Early Career Framework. The sequence builds from introductory to mastery, and throughout the programme further opportunities are provided to revisit key areas wherever required. The sequence increasing advances in levels of complexity and depth as the ECTs’ expanding experience develops. 


Throughout each Module, it will state which identified ‘Learn that …’ and ‘Learn how to …’ statements have been covered and all Modules will provide examples of how these statements can be ‘seen’ in best practice.  


The programme’s sequence is designed based on best practice and the Modules have been carefully placed into a term where the ECT will have greater relevance and experience. The priority is to ensure the ECTs can relate to key theories and knowledge being shared, therefore key Modules have been placed early in the induction programme to support the ECT with the foundations for their new class of children. For example, the first three Modules: ‘Induction’, ‘Establishing a positive climate for learning’ and ‘Behaviour management & responding to challenging behaviour’ all are within the autumn term. These Modules have been purposefully placed to be delivered at the start of the programme to support the ECTs confidence and to give them the best opportunity to learn key strategies early on, which can be implemented and impact on children’s outcomes. 


Over the two years, a teacher will have professional development linked to these five areas, delivered by a combination of mentoring, school based training and external courses: 

  • Behaviour Management: Routines, relationships, observations, the teacher’s role in promoting positive behaviour, the importance of expectations and developing the student’s intrinsic motivation. 

  • Pedagogy: Adaptive teaching, explanations and modelling, promoting deep learning and using groups to support different needs. 

  • Curriculum: Exploring the purpose of a curriculum? Helping pupils master important concepts, learning about literacy and understanding the evidence of what works. 

  • Assessment: Fundamental principles of effective assessment, planning effective marking and giving high quality feedback. 

  • Professional behaviours: Effective professional relationships, working effectively with teaching assistants, working with the SENCO, reflecting on learning. 


Appropriate Bodies   

All our schools register ECTs with an Appropriate Body.  An Appropriate Body:  

  • Registers and monitors the progress of ECTs.  

  • Provides a briefing session for Professional Mentors and ECTs   

  • Reviews the school’s Induction Programme and the delivery model of the Early Career Framework  

  • Gives advice where ECTs are at risk of failure and advising on appropriate support packages for the ECT  

  • Providing advice and guidance on the induction of ECTs for Headteachers, Governors, Induction Tutors and ECTs  


Schools can register HERE for further information on the programme and submit an application to become part of the EHLT Training ECT Programme. 


What is the Early Career Framework?  

The Early Career Framework sets out an entitlement of support for all Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and underpins a new entitlement for 2 years of professional development designed to support new teachers in developing their practice at the start of their careers. It sets out what early career teachers are entitled “to learn about” and “learn how to do” when in their first years of teaching. Following the early roll out across regions of the UK in 2020-21, this entitlement becomes statutory for all early career teachers from September 2021.  


DfE Policy, guidance and materials  

All of the official DfE’s documents, resources and guidance can all be found on their website here. These include the Early Career Framework itself, an overview of the reforms around the Early Career Framework, and, crucially, details of changes to statutory induction that will apply from September 2021.  


A Summary of Reforms  

From September 2021, statutory induction arrangements are changing. These new arrangements will replace current induction requirements. The term ‘Early Career Teacher’ is now being used where previously we might refer to a ‘Newly Qualified Teacher’.  


Overview of changes:   

  • Induction period extended from 1 year to 2 years  

  • In addition to their 10% reduction in timetable during year 1, ECTs will be entitled to a 5% reduction in timetable during year 2  

  • ECTs are entitled to receive a 2-year structured package of support and development based on the Early Career Framework  

  • ECTs are entitled to receive support from a dedicated mentor through regular one to one mentoring sessions (this is a separate role to the current induction tutor)  

  • ECTs will continue to be assessed against the Teacher Standards (the ECF is not an assessment tool). From September there will be 2 formal assessment points, instead of the current 3.  

  • State schools will receive additional funding to meet these requirements.  


Schools receive:  
  • Funding to cover mentors’ time with the ECT in the second year of teaching  

  • Further funding for schools opting for the Full Induction Programme (FIP) to backfill for mentors to take part in training (36 hours over 2 years) (More funding details below)   

  • School must provide each of their Early Career Teachers (ECT) with a 2-year structured programme of support and development based on the Early Career Framework.    

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