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Kids in Preschool
Kid with Basketball


This course is a half day face-to-face practical training session, followed by 2 virtual sessions run in the following 2 terms.


Starting Spring Term 2023.

About the Course

During this half day face-to-face session the Leaders of PSHE will have hands on experience learning about how different aspects of EdTech that can be used to provide pupil's opportunities to deepen and extend their learning experiences working both independently and collaboratively. PSHE Leaders will also be supported to audit the current use of EdTech across their subject and create a subject based action plan to purposefully increase the use of technology across PSHE in their school. The virtual follow up sessions will prepare PSHE leaders to run staff meetings to share EdTech updates with colleagues in school. PSHE Leaders will also join the Digital Learning Online Community Hub to gain further on-going EdTech and subject support from colleagues in other schools.   

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